Children's Ministry
We have opportunities for kids to learn about their faith during worship, throughout the week and over the summer.
Please mail to 1000 Wonderland Rd S., London, ON, N6K 3S4.
About Westview PULSE
Our vision for our children and Children’s Ministries at Westview Baptist Church is based on our church mission statement and our desire for the children who attend our programs to know Christ.
Our vision has been summarized in the acronym P.U.L.S.E. which sets the goal that our children learn how to Pray, Understand, Learn, Serve, and Encourage.
We desire that our children know how to Pray and have a relationship with God through Prayer and to know that prayer works. (Matthew 5:5-13)
We desire that our children Understand Gods Word and are able to apply it to their lives and stand up for what they believe in. We also hope that children will understand the Gospel message and accept Christ as their personal Savior. (John 3:16)
We desire that our children Love the Lord as their saviour. We desire that our children Love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5) We also desire that our children Love and care for others.
Because of our children's love for Christ, we desire that they will show that they are Christians through Serving others by helping others, participating in missions, and making church offerings. (Matthew 25:40)
We desire that our children will encourage each other in their journey as Christians. (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17) We desire that our children will Encourage their friends to know Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Sunday Morning
Our JK to Grade 6 children worship together with their families for the first part of the service until they are called to the front for a children's moment and then are brought to their classes from there. If you are visiting for the first time, please accompany your child to his or her class so we know who will be picking up your child.
For toddlers, the nursery is available during the 10 AM service. If you have preschool children please bring them to our Toddler room where one of our qualified volunteers will care for and share the love of Christ with your child.
If you have a baby, our nursery is also available for you to use. You can listen to audio of the service or use your own device to live stream the service.
Camps (JK - Gr. 5)
Registration for Summer Camp 2025 opens May 1 for camps on June 27 and Aug 5-8
Westview March Break and Summer Day Camps are faith-based camps for families who want their child to have a fun and faith-centered week.
In the summer we offer full-day camps either on the last week of July or the first week in August. Our March Break Camp runs for 3-4 days from 9 - 3:30. In the mornings we are immersed in songs, crafts, games, Bible stories, and more. We take time to explore the talents that God has given us through baking, drama, woodworking, and other opportunities. In the afternoons, children participate in off-site trips, hear from special guests, and go to the nearby Jesse Davidson Splash Pad.
Some of the places we have gone with our camps include Palasad, The Fanshawe Sugar Bush, Adventures on Wonderland, The Original Kids Theatre, The Children's Museum, Kustermans Berry Farm. Some of the guests we have had include The Fanshawe Ambulance team, Golden Opportunities Assistance Dogs, Mad Science, and Kennedy's Kridders, and 2Hands Clay.
Explorers Program (JK - Gr. 6)
Explorers is a weekly program where kids can have fun and grow in their faith while making friends. We spend time learning a Bible story, singing songs, doing special crafts and playing games in the gym. We have some special days too where we can dress up and be a part of some meaningful projects as well. Check out this YouTube Video to see more of what we do.
We meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm - 8 pm starting Sept 25th. For more details and our weekly schedule please check our Explorers webpage here.​
Children's Church
Children's Ministry has changed over the past years and we have options that can be done from home.
Each Sunday, during regular service, we share a children's moment where kids are invited in front of the congregation to participate in a brief demonstration or lesson about Christ. You can watch these moments along with the rest of our service live or on-demand on our main YouTube channel. You can see some of our past children's moments and camps and meet Pastor Tina on our kid's YouTube Channel, WestviewPULSE.
Children's Church Sunday Lessons
Early Years: In class, we are using Gospel Light. If you are away and would like a resource for home, please refer to the Early Years Videos on the One Story YouTube Page.
JK-Grade 6: In class, we are using the One Story Kids Curriculum with supporting activities and crafts. Contact to be added to the mailing list, where we send a weekly newsletter explaining what we covered that week. If you missed a lesson, videos can be watched on the One Story YouTube channel.